
Live Escape Sailsbury – POD

Live Escape Sailsbury – POD
Location: Sailsbury, but we played from the comfort of our home
Virtual Room Type: Avatar
Game Date:  24/06/2020
Team: Amy, Ian, Gordon & Liz



“Can you help save the earth from the impending alien invasion? NERD, an extra terrestrial, has been living among us for hundreds of years after crash landing on earth in his spacecraft.

With his ship now fixed, he is ready to harness the energy of Stonehenge to power up his Portal Opening Device. But the portal will allow his fellow aliens to destroy earth. You must infiltrate the ship and power down the POD before NERD returns. You are earth’s only hope.”

POD looked great, a fully realised escape room, with clean decoration and a futuristic feel! This was complimented by and online inventory which added to the game, tying in the technology and grounding us to the game. This aided in the immersion of the game and made us feel like we were really a part of the universe, and that we were agents back at mission control. An excellent inclusion that felt like a fully realised part of the game and not just an added inventory.

Game Play:
A fairly open game, that had plenty of top class puzzzles, logic, word, codebreaking, searching, team work, maths. POD had it all! There were loads of different puzzles types which meant at some point each and everyone one of us had our moment to shine a conquer a puzzle.
All the puzzles were perfectly on theme and perfect in their logic, with absoloutely NO ambiguity whatsoever. I honestly can’t praise the puzzles in this room enough, every single one was a joy to solve, some puzzles were so solveable it felt like the answers just fell into our laps and some had multi layers that exceeded out expecatations and came with lovley ha-ha moments. Such enjoyable puzzles that always left you feeling that wonderful sense of achievement when solved and never led to any frustration.
There was one moment in the room that really surprised me, as I would have NEVER expected it to work through a camera, and yet… it did. I was absoloutely wowed by it!
The flow of the room was wonderful, slick and well designed.
Signposting was excellent, with the online inventory linking everything together and providing further signposting to what was in the room. It was clear what we were solving and where it was inputted, which is incredibly important in an online game, this just aided in making the game even more playable remotely.
A fantastic game, which is bound to please enthusiasts with its clever, solid puzzles yet is acheivable for more casual players too.

Clue System:
We didn’t use any clues, but I’m sure Agent Pitcher would have helped us along should we have needed it

Game Host:
Agent Pitcher was our host and avatar, running the game with excellence and giving us clear visuals of whatever we wanted in the room and following our instructions to the letter.

Did we escape?
Yes, setting the room record in about 30 minutes

Website: https://live-escape.co.uk/rooms/pod/
Flat fee of £40

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