
Time Run – Lance of Longinus

Time Run – Lance of Longinus.
Location: London
Game Date 25/07/2017.
Team: Amy, Ian & Jane


“Dive through a time portal, then voyage through forgotten and undiscovered worlds on a quest for an object of unfathomable power. Run through time, against clock, to track down the Lance of Longinus – before your 60 minutes are up.”

Where to start…. WOW. Just, Wow. From the moment you step foot through the door, you are whisked away to another world, another time…. Greeted by a rather eccentric chap called Aubrey who delivers the back story of why we are time runners, and introduces us to the world according to Luna Fox and the adorable Babbage.

The theming even in the briefing area is astounding, and it doesn’t let up. The sets are lavishly decorated to perfection, every time a door opened it is a wonder to “where are we going now” this coupled with a detailed sound track and ambient lighting creates a seamless experience that is 100% immersive and sublime.

The whole game is an experience, from the second you walk through the door. It’s akin to something you would find in a theme park (we actually thought it was very Universal Studios!) The level of detail in the sets, characters and story is second to none.

Time Run is more than the sum of its parts, the characters make it, the briefing, preshow…. and then the game all merge seamlessly to create an experience of immersive live theatre that you are an important part in, with a few crackin’ escape room puzzles in there to test your brain along the way!

We were just blown away, and it’s something we’d love to do again just to take it all in and see what details we missed the first time!

Game Play:
Game play was intrinsic to the theming, with no puzzle being out of place.
There was a wide range of puzzles, but they did lean to the physical… which was SO SO enjoyable! There was one puzzle that was SO physical, tactile and moveable… and masses of fun!
It’s hard to talk about all the puzzles without giving away secrets! Every puzzle was of perfect logic, and all had great ah-ha moments that kept coming. The flow was excellent, with the game being very open. We as a team (we played in a 3) were often found working on our own sections before coming back together to solve a meta-puzzle.
There were some typical escape game puzzles later on in the game (and what was tantamount to a jigsaw, but thankfully I just busied myself with other things, and there were plenty of other things to do! Jane did a tremendous job on that massive puzzle!)
Even the “typical” puzzles were excellent and just served to push the story along and get us to finally retrieve the Lance!
The game is just beautifully honed, and works so very, very well. Encourages teamwork and allows for each member to have full participation.
Enthusiasts, take at least 3! It would be very challenging with a 2! Newbies… if you fancy the challenge, take at least 4! Time Running is a massive task!

Clue System:
Babbage! The adorable super cute robot accomplice of Luna was our guide through time! Such a great clue system!

Game Host:
We didn’t meet our game host until the end, and I unfortunately didn’t catch his name, but he was very professional and gave us a great debrief, with a lovely keepsake card on that had our team “type” on it – we were the “Zen” as we were so chilled out! This is a lovely touch and proved that our host had been paying the utmost attention to us throughout our game (which to be honest, was apparent from his excellent clues, or should I say, babbage’s excellent service!)

Did we escape?
Yes, in 53 minutes…!

Website: http://www.time-run.com/
The price for Time Run doesn’t change depending on how many are playing, but there is a minimum of 3 to book:

Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursday Daytime: £33 Per head

Thursdays/Evenings – Sundays: £42 Per head

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