
Escape Room Centre – The Bomb

Escape Room Centre – The Bomb.
Location: Blackpool
Game Date 17/07/2017.
Team: Amy & Ian


“You and your team are members of an elite ‘Bomb Disposal Unit’.

You are about to enter a flat above a bank in Blackpool believed to have been rented by Joseph Mendelson.

Mendelson, an ex bank employee, holds the bank responsible for ruining his life when in fact it was his own drinking and gambling addictions that lost him everything.

He is determined to do as much damage as possible and has already blown up two branches of the bank in nearby towns.

The flat is also known to be booby trapped, giving you just one hour to find the bomb, deactivate it and escape.”

The story is a pretty standard escape room affair, the decoration in the room was well done, with the flat being appropriately bare and the bomb room being well decorated indeed, with lovely touches and accents that complimented the theming.
Immersion wasn’t all encompassing, at some points I very much was aware that I was in a “puzzle room with a theme”

Game Play:
Again, pretty standard escape room tropes abound in this room, with an excellent variety of puzzles. Code Breaking, Cyphers, Physical, Logic, Observation. This room has a good selection. The only problem WE found was that it was all stuff we’d seen before… this is a reflection on our playing over 130 rooms and not the fault of the game. It just meant we sailed through the puzzles and saw stuff coming before it happened. (this made for an enjoyable & stress free game!)
This felt like playing a live action version of the old (or even, current!) escape room games on the internet!
The game was 100% linear, fine for a group of 2 but I could see big groups getting a little bored at moments. The flow however, was exceptional. It was clear that this was a tried and tested game as every puzzle was executed well. All the puzzles made sense logically, and did have nice ah-ha moments, and even though there was nothing that “wowed” us, we still had a lot of fun!
I would take a team of 2 for enthusiasts, and a team of 4 for newbies… this is pretty much a very good introductory room to start your escape room obsession with!

Clue System:
Clues were delivered via a screen

Game Host:
Christina & John were our game hosts, they’re both so lovely to talk to and hosted our game really well.

Did we escape?
Yes, in about 39 minutes!

Website: http://www.escaperoomcentre.com
2 Players £44
3 Players £63
4 Players £76
5 Players £85
6 Players £90

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